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Etz Chaim, the Tree of Life, is a multi-layered

Jewish symbol. It refers to the Torah, the

Torah’s rollers, the Tree in the Garden of

Eden, the Shekhinah, and the Kabbalistic

Tree that transmits Divine emanations

into our world.

Human beings, like trees, are metaphorically

connected to Heaven and Earth. Our heads

reach toward the sky; our feet are grounded

in the earth. Because we are created b’tzelem

elohim, in God’s image, we can access our

Divine connection. Moving Through the

Tree of Life does just that.

Using gentle meditative exercises in a Jewish

context, Moving Through the Tree of

Life connects the Divine spark within us to

the Divine Source of Being. Its standing

postures are drawn from energetic traditions

including t’ai chi, qigong and yoga. They

are easy to follow and resonate with our

Jewish souls.