Moving Through the Tree of Life offers participants the opportunity to connect to the Divine through their bodies in a Jewish context. By experiencing that connection, they can tap into the Oneness that connects us all—to ourselves, to each other and to God.
What is Moving Through the Tree of Life?
Moving Through the Tree of Life is a series of gentle exercises that help us connect to our Jewish souls through our bodies. The movements, drawn from t’ai chi and qigong, are combined with Jewish imagery and include deep breathing and meditation.
What are the benefits of these classes?
Participants in Moving Through the Tree of Life feel relaxed, balanced and centered after these classes. Moving Through the Tree of Life integrates Jewish spirituality with embodied movement so participants experience a deeper connection to the Source of all Being.
Why would a synagogue or Jewish group offer Moving Through the Tree of Life?
Many Jews today are seeking more spiritual experiences and not finding them in traditional synagogue life. If individuals can connect to their Judaism in non-traditional ways, they will bring that experience of Jewish spirituality back into the synagogue and transform the culture there. Moving Through the Tree of Life is a way to do just that. It is particularly attractive to people seeking a more heart-centered approach to Judaism. It fills a need among those of all ages who seek a more holistic embodied Jewish experience.
How is Moving Through the Tree of Life offered?
Moving Through the Tree of Life can be offered as a series of classes, a workshop or a whole Shabbaton. It can comprise a multi-day retreat where sessions can build on each other and include more in-depth learning. The exercises can also be used to prepare for prayer, or as morning exercises at conferences or conventions.
For a description of these workshops, click here.
Moving Through the Tree of Life was featured in the Sun Sentinel